Tennessee Cash 3 Evening Drawing
Game | Draw Time | Cut Off | Cost | w/ Lucky Sum |
Morning | Mon-Sat 9:26am | 9:09am | $0.50 or $1 | $1 / $2 |
Midday | Mon-Sat 12:28pm | 12:09pm | $0.50 or $1 | $1 / $2 |
Evening | Mon-Sat 6:28pm | 6:09pm | $0.50 or $1 | $1 / $2 |
Evening | Sun 6:28pm | 6:09pm | $0.50 or $1 | $1 / $2 |
Find the copy of the Playslip for either Cash 3 or Cash 4 and identify the location of the arrows and numbers that correspond to the red numbers below for examples of the instructions. The instructions below will apply to both Cash 3 and Cash 4 unless specified otherwise. You must fill out a Playslip to prevent mistakes from happening.
1. Plays for Next Draw
Cash 3 and Cash 4 games appear complicated at first because there are so many options for how to Play your Set of Numbers and for how many Draws you wish to Play.
- You must first Pick one Set of 3 or 4 Numbers between 0 and 9. (Quick Pick may be used--see below). Make sure you choose only one Number from each of the 3 or 4 columns on either Cash 3 or Cash 4 Playslips.
- A Play is one Set of 3 or 4 Numbers for one Draw.
- You must fill out a Playslip. Mistakes are too likely to occur without a completed Playslip.
- You can Play up to five Sets of Numbers per Playslip by Picking one Set of Numbers in each of the Boxes A thru E. Mistakes may be Voided (see VOID below). Reminding you again, be sure to pick only one Number from each column when Playing a Set of Numbers.
- A ticket may be purchased for either a cost of $0.50 or $1.00.
- For a $1.00 Play, you may choose to Play your Set/Sets of Numbers in either the Exact Order you picked or in Any Order of both Exact or Any Order. The Combo option may be purchased for a total cost of of $3-$6 for Cash 3 or $4-$24 for Cash 4, depending on individual numbers chosen. See Prize Chart for the description of winnings for the Combo option.
- For a $0.50 Play, you may choose to Play your Set/Sets of Numbers in either the Exact order you picked or in Any order. The Combo option is not available for a $0.50 ticket.
- The winning Number for both Cash 3 and Cash 4 will be Drawn on the Days and Times shown above.
2. Draws and Days
- Once your Number and order of Play has been Picked and a decision made for either a $0.50 or $1.00 Ticket, then a decision must be made for which Draw/Draws and for how many Days you want to Play the Number.
- You may Play your Set/Sets of Numbers for only one Draw (Morn, Mid, Eve) or up to 7 Days. Notice: Sunday has only 1 Draw (Eve).
- For one Draw, mark the Draw for either Morn, Mid or Eve on the Playslip. For 2 Draws, mark Next 2. For 3 Draws, mark Next 3.
- For Multiple day Draws, you must fill out a separate Playslip for each Draw (time of day) and Number of Days from 2 up to 7.
- To Play your Set/Sets of Numbers for all 3 Draws each day for 7 days, you must prepare 3 Playslips. (One marked for each Draw (Morn, Mid and Eve) and each marked for 7 days.)
3. Lucky Sum
An additional Number called "Lucky Sum Number" is Drawn at the Draw times described above. If that Number matched the Sum of your 3 or 4 Numbers selected for Cash 3 or Cash 4, you win. (See Prize Chart)
4. Quick Pick (QP)
You may choose to have the computer randomly Pick any Set/Sets of Numbers by marking 'QP' in the area of the Box for that Set/Sets of Numbers and by selecting the Draws as described above.
5. Void
It is not a good idea to try to correct a mistake made on a Playslip. The better option is to mark Void in that section. All other Play Areas of the Playslip are still acceptable to Play and only the Area marked Void will not be played by the terminal.
Prizes for Winning Numbers
How to Collect Winnings
Tennessee Cash 3 Evening Drawing
Source: https://themagicmile.com/lottery/lottery-school/tennessee-cash3
Posted by: hannahofue1976.blogspot.com
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